Dream Secret #6 – Calling All Dream Angels!

Hello Love,

I have to admit, this description is more like an essay! Yet I am called to send it because of its import to me. If watching a video is more your style than reading, just click on the link below.

I had 3 dreams during the course of last night and this morning. One connected me with a loved one who has passed from this life. Then I flew through a twilight world after being with him, feeling frightened about venturing too far and being unable to find my way home.

In another dream I was raging angrily at two family members who are still alive in this life, like I have never done before in waking life. I read them the riot act and said I was done putting up with their behaviour. It felt like I was trying to clear a conflict that has been covertly played out between us for decades. But in the dream nothing was ever resolved.

The final dream I called “Dress Up”. There is a younger me modelling outfits with a friend in front of a mirror. I have a huge head of unruly honey-coloured hair that has to be controlled under a chic hat. We do this privately in a hotel suite like little girls playing in secret. When we want to venture outside, we realise our attire and footwear are entirely inappropriate.

When I awoke in daylight I was overwhelmed by the emotional impact of the night’s cinematic marathon. And in addition to that, I was very afraid. The only thing I could do was draw the covers over my eyes and pray for help.

Cosmically enough, I had gone to sleep affirming for myself that I never have to be afraid because I am surrounded by Divine Love! As soon as I felt this grip of fear upon awakening, I literally breathed those words back into my body, saying them out loud with each deep intake and exhalation. Immediately I got two perfect images from waking life movies where the characters broke through extreme fear because they opened up to an Angelic Realm.

I have had many dream revelations before but this was A New Type Of Breakthrough. My body flushed with chills as these scenes flashed through my mind. I have carried the images from those movies for decades because they conveyed a simple truth about love to me.

This morning I felt like a character in my own movie, called The Saving Grace Of Dream Angels. My Dream Angels responded instantaneously with the perfect remembrance to return me to love! So I want to pass on this “secret” and remind you that we all share this very same Divine Dream Team. And to please remember…

You are loved.
You are never alone.
And every fear offers us a precious gift!