On the Festival of Imbolc ~ In the Year 2025
I humbly offer these gifts
I give my love freely and honestly, withholding nothing of value.
I aspire to Total Freedom for myself and honour it in others.
I flow with life, align with inner wisdom and continually refine my gifts.
I create My Sacred Future by embracing True Love in the Present.
I surrender to Divine Will and trust everything is happening exactly as it must.
I experience a Magical Realm from which Miracles Emerge.
I model a woman living well in truth love peace and grace.
I diligently clear away any shadows that block the Light of Love.
I am grounded in presence and aware of my unique value to the world.
I am the expert on how Holy Spirit flows through me into this world.
There is nothing I have to do except To Be.
I surrender my life to serving The Greatest Good.
My actions come forth in peace and harmony and are upheld by love.
I envision and help to bring forth a Trivian Race of Homo Sanctus
© Lyn Nanni
EPIC Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved