Poetry from Lyn Nanni ~ Spiritualist, Dream Visionary, Writer. 

Lyn has kept a daily journal and written poetry since she was a teenager. Since 2011, she has also kept detailed journals of her dreams.

On the Festival of Imbolc ~ In the Year 2025
I humbly offer these gifts

I give my love freely and honestly, withholding nothing of value.
I aspire to Total Freedom for myself and honour it in others.
I flow with life, align with inner wisdom and continually refine my gifts.
I create My Sacred Future by embracing True Love in the Present.
I surrender to Divine Will and trust everything is happening exactly as it must.
I experience a Magical Realm from which Miracles Emerge.
I model a woman living well in truth love peace and grace.
I diligently clear away any shadows that block the Light of Love.
I am grounded in presence and aware of my unique value to the world.
I am the expert on how Holy Spirit flows through me into this world.
There is nothing I have to do except To Be.
I surrender my life to serving The Greatest Good.
My actions come forth in peace and harmony and are upheld by love.
I envision and help to bring forth a Trivian Race of Homo Sanctus

© Lyn Nanni
EPIC Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

she is only love, the goddess.
you do well, my daughter, to surrender to her.

she knows your fears but these she relieves.
she asks nothing of you, but that you become.

when you kiss the hem of her holy garment, you may touch infinite love…
take your time… and your care…
because her power requires your totality.

there is nothing else, only illusion.

the golden key that she bestows to the queendom feels like fire to the uninitiated.
your acceptance cools her sacred flame and leaves you burning
only with light.

you become the key and she the door
with the spirit of pure intent as the vessel.

as her sovereignty surrounds you in the circle of infinity
you’re caressed with her protection
and solaced within her arms.

in silence you acknowledge your completeness
yet remain undefined
in sacrosanct presence.

she is only love, the goddess.
you do well, my daughter, to surrender to her.

Dear One,

It is with great joy I announce to you the publication of my first book:
American Poet in England

This is a small compilation of poems I wrote on my walks around the Isles of Scilly and in the villages of Lynton and Lynmouth on the Southwest Peninsula of England.

These poems are near and dear to my heart because so much love and healing arose within me through my delicious Communion with Mother Nature in these scrumptious settings!

Click here to order your copy on Amazon.com.

I have also created a video featuring the poem, Twin Stones, from the book so that you can have a tiny taste of the literary ambience…

And this is just the beginning! I have two more publications in progress, one featuring a compilation of Soul Bytes, where I share wisps of wisdom as affirmations and a Guided Dream Journal, a starter “workbook” for beautiful sister and brother dreamers.

As always, I’d love to hear from you, about your Dream Wisdom, your Poetic Life or your Divine Relationship with our Blessed Earth!

XO Lyn

In Loving Memory

On the bench dedicated to: In Loving Memory of Lt. Christopher Peter Sayer, R.A. ~ 1963-1987
Star Castle grounds, St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, U.K.

In sunset I sit
Awash with bright hues
Of golden on greys
And green above blues

The hillside below me
Is prickled with brambles
As I sit and I ponder
My evening’s preamble

It’s warm for St. Mary’s
Only just turning spring
With the longer day hours
And the insects on wing

I have walked round the isle
Marking benches with verse
And I’m so very grateful
‘Cause a girl could do worse

So I savour this moment
At the close of my day
And look forward to ending them
Mostly this way

American Poet in Englad

Get your copy of my poetry book on Amazon today for just $12.50.