The Goddess


she is only love, the goddess.
you do well, my daughter, to surrender to her.

she knows your fears but these she relieves.
she asks nothing of you, but that you become.

when you kiss the hem of her holy garment, you may touch infinite love…
take your time… and your care…
because her power requires your totality.

there is nothing else, only illusion.

the golden key that she bestows to the queendom feels like fire to the uninitiated.
your acceptance cools her sacred flame and leaves you burning
only with light.

you become the key and she the door
with the spirit of pure intent as the vessel.

as her sovereignty surrounds you in the circle of infinity
you’re caressed with her protection
and solaced within her arms.

in silence you acknowledge your completeness
yet remain undefined
in sacrosanct presence.

she is only love, the goddess.
you do well, my daughter, to surrender to her.