Venerable Ancestors, Wisdom Keepers
Spirit Guides, Beings of the Angelic Realm
Divine Earth Mother
Thank you for your protection
As I open my heart, mind, soul and life
To embrace My Highest Purpose
And serve the Divine of Us All
Thank you for clarifying my direction
In awareness of the thoughts words and deeds
That will align my sacred intent
In unification with my life’s work
Thank you for sending guidance
Through my dreams and waking life
Through contemplations, meditations and musing
So that I may embody Divine Wisdom in this form
Thank you for the prompts, intuition, imagination and epiphanies
That keep me centred in Peace Truth and Grace
And inspire me daily to reset my Default to Love
And to Live Life from The Inside Out
Thank you for Magic and Miracles
For Innocence and Laughter
For Natural Rhythms and Spontaneous Songs
For Magnanimous Gifts and Serendipitous Connections
Thank you Mother Earth for all your creatures
For Plant Intelligence and Cosmic Rhythms
For Your Abundant Bounty and Plentiful Resources
For your Infinite Patience and Forgiveness
Thank you for the honour of being here
To do my part in The Great Change on Earth
To attend to my Spiritual Evolution
And to Prosper in Partnership With All Others
All Women, All Men
© Lyn Nanni
EPIC Productions LLC