Dear One,
I invite you to consider being an AGENT OF GRACE.
In my life, I have found this requires that I Trust In Love and I Surrender to Divine Will.
What if I told you that you can fulfil the following “lofty” ideals in a practical, everyday way?
- You can stay in alignment with your sacred intent.
- You can live in honour of your life’s purpose.
- You can bring forth your unique gifts to share with us all.
Well it’s true and I am telling you! And you can begin right now!
SOFTEN THE LENS of perspective on your life, on everything you do and everything that was done to you. Offer yourself more patience with current endeavours. Be willing to look at your past through a lens of compassion and project a light of forgiveness into your future.
Words can never do these concepts justice, I know. Yet the heart has a way of understanding…
Please take a few moments to watch this video and see if my “homespun divinity” resonates with yours. Please consider becoming an Agent of Grace. I am sure you will never regret it!