Happy New World

Dear Ones,

On New Year’s Eve, I got an SOS. Literally. I was talking to a family member on the phone and he told me he was unwilling to support my business. The call dropped. When he called me back, he said his phone had given him an SOS. He chalked it up to random weirdness.

But I took that SOS as a sign. I heard the message of “SAVE OUR SOULS.”

Two days before this happened, another family member told me the same thing. And I know they agreed to join as a united front. To carry on a legacy of emotional tyranny using “love” as a weapon, insidiously putting down anyone in the family who dares to be different. This is our family’s particularly covert M.O. – disguised as the unquestioned authority on success.

For the rest of the evening after that call, I cried like a baby. I howled at the moon. I marvelled that the stars could be so exquisitely indifferent to my pain. New Year’s fireworks provided a fitting backdrop for my solo pity party.

When I finally went to bed shortly after midnight and fell into a fitful sleep, I had several dreams, divine communions that outlined my future work. The message was clear. I must be a warrior of wisdom and use my SWords, my words to defend the honour of REAL LOVE.

David Crosby, mad hatter that he appeared to be, and may his soul rest in peace, gave us this message many years ago in the song “Long Time Gone”.

Speak out, you got to speak out against the madness
You got to speak your mind if you dare.

What does this have to do with you?

I invite you to join me in speaking out through the written word in published works. Our loved ones desperately need OUR COMPASSIONATE TRUTH, regardless of the family party line meant to keep us in “our place”, regardless of which “side” we’re on.

Because there is only a circle. And what goes around in pain, comes around again to heal.

I could really use your help! See our upcoming anthology books and online courses on our website. Choose one to WALK THE WARRIOR’S WAY IN LOVE. Or let me know your thoughts on other subjects that deserve to be heard because they serve the highest good.

Thank you for forwarding this email to all of those whom you think may be interested in breaking out of their own family’s dysfunctional patterns to RETURN TO LOVE!

With Love, Peace, Truth and Grace,