I Cut Myself Free! Dream Reveal…

Dear One,

I share a recent poignant dream in order to prompt your awareness of how universal archetypes and common symbols of an individual’s dream may serve to illuminate us all.

If you have watched my videos, heard my audios or read what I’ve written about dream wisdom you probably know I suggest that individual dreamers discover their own unique dream landscape, symbols and language for full understanding of the messages received.

Yet I feel this particular dream may offer Something For Anyone who is called to read it or listen to the audio, even though it came through my Individual Dream Space. I feel it reveals Accessible Collective Wisdom. And by that, I mean the themes expressed here can stimulate awareness for people besides me who are at a similar juncture in life.

So I invite you to have some fun and perhaps Flex Your Dream Muscles! See if this dream story sparks something within you to come to attention (metaphorically speaking). It can also offer a learning exercise that may connect some dots in your own dream process.

I will give you one hint on how to approach the dream. All of the characters are ONLY ONE! 

By the way, below is the Soul Byte I received along with this dream…

Love is an Inside Job
One must break open the heart
And roust out all the shady characters
That threaten one’s peace! 

The audio transmission and PDF links are below. Thanks for listening and/or reading!

Sweet Dreams,
