I Give Thanks For You

Hello Loves,

I want to give thanks today for you! And I respectfully request that you do the same. If you are reading this, I know you are doing your best to be a light by sharing your gifts with the world.

I also know it’s probably hard for you to think of yourself when giving thanks. We put ourselves at the bottom of the list, (if we think we deserve mentioning at all).

During Thanksgiving Week we focus on appreciating our loved ones, our family, our mentors, our good fortune. We give thanks for our home and lifestyle, for our children and grandchildren, for our good health.

All of this is wonderful! Giving thanks for anyone or anything on any level is always going to increase happiness, peace and grace in your life.

But I want to also encourage you during this week as you celebrate gratitude to GIVE THANKS FOR WHO YOU ARE AND YOUR PRESENCE IN THIS WORLD!

You matter. You count. You are alive at a very IMPORTANT AND EXCITING TIME ON EARTH. Give thanks that you are here and showing up! Give thanks for THE WONDER OF YOU!

I am grateful you are here with me on this journey! (And I give thanks for myself too!)

In the grace of gratitude,

Lyn Nanni
CEO of Dream Girl Publishing

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