In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

On the bench dedicated to: In Loving Memory of Lt. Christopher Peter Sayer, R.A. ~ 1963-1987
Star Castle grounds, St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, U.K.

In sunset I sit
Awash with bright hues
Of golden on greys
And green above blues

The hillside below me
Is prickled with brambles
As I sit and I ponder
My evening’s preamble

It’s warm for St. Mary’s
Only just turning spring
With the longer day hours
And the insects on wing

I have walked round the isle
Marking benches with verse
And I’m so very grateful
‘Cause a girl could do worse

So I savour this moment
At the close of my day
And look forward to ending them
Mostly this way

American Poet in Englad

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