Journey Into Being! Dream Reveal…
Dear One,
I offer you this Dream Story as an example of how psychic symbols, archetypes and cosmic inferences are woven within scenes and characters of our dreams. This particular message reflected a realisation from my past that was necessary for me to recall in the present.
All of our dreams contain a mythical type of wisdom that can be pertinent to many others. We are deeply connected in Dream Space! The energetics of events in my life that prompted this sacred message operates “Behind the Scenes” in all of our lives.
In dreams and waking life, we are all in this together!
So I offer you a PDF for reading and an audio for listening. Sit down, have a cup of tea or your favourite beverage and muse upon this “Play in Words”. It may breathe new awareness into something currently happening in your own life.
With Grace, Lyn
Journey Into Being!
Dream Reveal of February 2025
I “come down” from a place on high to a sweet little clearing in the woods where a very tall man resides. He has the essence of a teenage friend I once knew but without his cynicism. He is dressed very tastefully, almost regally and he welcomes me with a bright smile and deep sense of peaceful confidence. I have come down from wherever I was by means of a common household ladder. The tall man visually attended my progress from air to ground with care, as if he were “spotting” me to make sure I stayed safe. I alight on the ground and comment about his height, partially in jest but also in acknowledgement of him. In the dream he feels
so familiar, like a very dear and longtime friend or confidante. The scene fades shortly after we greet each other.
In the next scene I am with a faerie child, a tiny doll-size creature who seems of another world. I know she is a perfectly formed and capable miniature being but also very fragile. There is a translucent quality about her, as if she is only a holographic image who represents an ideal rather than having actual material form. There are people all around who have come to celebrate her presence. I allow them to hold her and partake of her sweet, enchanting, magical charm while I attend to other things. She will go to anyone with complete trust so I feel I must keep in touch with her as protection. Instinctively I know I am the only one who can discern what is best for her. I feel like her mother yet dependent on her, as if we are each other’s lifeline.
There is a party or event for which I must leave Faerie Child temporarily, because I believe it’s an ADULTS ONLY AFFAIR. I know she’ll be fine without me but also aware of OUR NEED TO REGULARLY CONNECT WITH EACH OTHER. I walk a long way from where she is to attend this event. When I get there I find a huge family seated and taking up an entire restaurant instead of a gala gathering of individuals as I expected. But it immediately occurs to me this is the natural way of things and I must honour this arrangement. The family members are remarkably similar in countenance with round faces and dark hair, possibly of Greek or Italian origin. They are in robust spirits and very happy to see me. I am quite taken aback to realise they are here just for me and feel compelled to return their deference, lest they take it away. So I make up a compliment that my daughter told me what a beautiful family they were, when she glimpsed them sitting and waiting for me. I nervously sense they may see through my little white lie and hold it against me. I wish I had brought Faerie Child because it is obvious they came to see both of us. So I excuse myself to go back to where she waits for me and bring her to meet this family.
It takes much longer than I thought it would to get back to Faerie Child. But when I do, I end up quickly leaving there with an overgrown boy child whom I pick up and carry, along with his satchel and blankie. I struggle under the burden of his weight, stopping numerous times to pick up his dropped belongings. All of a sudden, I realise Faerie Child was the entire reason I made this trip and I forgot to bring her along! It’s a real dilemma to decide whether I should go back for her or just show up with Heavy Boy. I put him down in a playground area while I pause a moment and consider what to do. Since the restaurant is within sight, I leave Heavy Boy and go to speak with the family. To my surprise, the restaurant is completely empty.
When I go back outside, I find Heavy Boy is gone and the playground is deserted. I make my way back to the place where I began with Faerie Child and find it also devoid of people. Everyone seems to have departed! But instead of feeling sad or scared of being alone, I am strangely at peace. It is a relief that I have nothing left to do and have been relinquished of all responsibility to Faerie Child, Heavy Boy or Admiring Family.
The dream fades as I wonder what will come next…
The audio transmission and PDF links are below. Thanks for listening and/or reading!
© Lyn Nanni
EPIC Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved