Metaphorically Speaking
Metaphorically Speaking ~ February 2025
The Mind is a Wonderful Thing!
But We Must Think With Our Heart
I awoke in the wee hours afraid, with a bubble of very entrenched fear focalised in my heart space that rose to my awareness the moment my luscious sleep ended. This is par for my course in these days of shadow dancing. This morning’s divine envelope contained financial lack, fears about how to move on from here, how to return to love with my intimate partner and the helplessness I feel when witnessing loved ones’ suffering, ALL ROLLED INTO ONE.
How do I solve this? What is to become of me?
Well, Houston, two hours and tons of musing later the revelation was revealed. Although this type of dilemma has been like a longtime friend and intimate bedfellow of mine in this life, it still takes CONCERTED EASE to unpack each new visitor that knocks on the present. They are mostly uninvited guests. And yet, as unwelcome as a heart attack may be, it can also save your life by demanding you change your ways. To prevent complete heart failure!
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you to our esteemed guest, a clever mind game and strategically successful war monger tactic that has kept us stuck in our problems for millennia (or at least for the duration of historical time)? She is the prized and coveted secret weapon borne of our own mental and emotional manipulation! And here’s her story…
First, we overload internal operating systems with thought bombs that we subsequently wrap in extra-large packages whose sheer size seem to indicate their utmost priority and importance, thereby setting off (antiquated) alarm bells that command our immediate attention and stop us in our proverbial tracks. The daunting darkness of this dilemma we face seems to block the light from the WINDOW OF OUR SOUL as well as access to the DOOR OF OUR HEART. We literally feel stuck to our seat in front of an outdated computer screen, helpless to prevent a core meltdown in our nuclear environment and most of all, we feel we are sure to be labelled an abject failure forevermore at a job we were handsomely paid to do.
OK. I think I get it. So what now?
Well, FIRST WE PAUSE... Then we step away from the mind’s point of view, walk outside into natural light and breathe in the wisdom of the sun, moon and stars. Then we pray to Holy Spirit and ask for guidance. Then we surrender to Divine Will. Then we accept all that is. Then we trust in grace making the necessary arrangements to work through old worn-out ways. Then we follow the Illuminated Path of Truth leading us home. In love, in word, in deed.
Only the heart can show us THE PATH TO TRUTH. The mind can illuminate the way there by bringing to view all that is around us. But only our heart can recognise a genuine opportunity to step up and work in concert with mind, body and soul and sing out loud, WHAT IS REAL!
The mind will illuminate what is…
The heart will resonate with what is real…
Together they bring us truth.
© Lyn Nanni
EPIC Productions, LLC
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