Join the Rest Revolution!


Hi Love,

Do you find it a struggle to rest in our 24-7, grind culture of pushing through? You might be thinking, “Life is Full. Who has time to rest?”

If you’re longing for a more peaceful world and want to create a more restful life, then you’re warmly invited to. . .The Rest Revolution!

This is a free online summit, starting September 22. I’m excited to be a featured presenter and rest revolutionary! My talk is entitled, Rest Your Mind: Do Your Best Work Asleep! Learn more and join our revolution here.

Become a rest revolutionary with me: turn around your relationship with rest and create a life of meaning. Throughout this restful, inspiring event, you’ll hear from 11 seasoned speakers of varying backgrounds who will show you how to create and sustain rest in your life in many ways!

Attend our LIVE opening circle, where you’ll begin the journey at a restful pace. You’ll get to meet the speakers (my fellow revolutionaries) and connect in community. Rest Revolution talks are pre-recorded and become available over the course of several days with lots of space for you to integrate and digest the information.