The Business of Love
Dear One,
Can we talk? About love and life and what the heck we are doing here on earth?
After seven decades of being involved in the usual spectrum of endeavours, growing up, being married, managing motherhood, studying for degrees, working at jobs or businesses, teaching and creating music, writing books and (finally) to knowing the sacred wisdom of dreams, I have distilled the essence of MY ULTIMATE POSITION in this life. Here it is…
I am in THE BUSINESS OF LOVE! And the only offering of this business is ALL OF ME!
I know that may sound Hippie-Dippy, too easy, overly simplistic or even totally unrealistic! But please humour me… and pause for 11 minutes or so to watch a video I made…
And then perhaps pause a few moments each day in the coming months to consider how you might find ways to simplify your life and ultimately find YOUR BUSINESS OF LOVE.
I, for one, would love to see THE REAL YOU! I daresay s/he’s dying to be seen also. And I know for sure you are the only one who can offer this precious gift to the rest of us.
Give it a try! What have you got to lose? I offer you all my support. Because I’m sure you will find TRUE LOVE once you tune into what your body, mind, heart and soul are saying to you.
Remember, we’re all in this life TOGETHER, FOR REAL!
Much love to you,