A Kinder and Gentler Life

kindler gentler life

Dear One,

On September 9, 2024, the 9/9 numerological portal opened. Therefore, the energy of THE NUMBER NINE is heightened at this time. In numerology, it is considered a powerful number that represents completion of one cycle and the start of another.

In Hinduism, NUMBER NINE is considered a divine and perfect ending.

In addition to the end of a cycle, NUMBER NINE represents the attainment of spiritual wisdom, humanitarianism and compassion. It is an inspiration for us to serve others, become more altruistic and make a positive impact on the world.

In the spirit of this, I made a short video for you called A Kinder and Gentler Life. In this video I offer you an invitation to view life through a more refined lens, if you will, and to start making small changes that simplify your life and bring you more awareness of joy.

I combine a poetic perspective on our sensibilities called the NINE SENSES OF JOY with ways to use them through the FOUR QUADRANTS OF LIFE as below:

  1. Relationships
  2. Mother Nature
  3. Creativity
  4. Rituals

Please take the time to listen to the video and if you can, follow up with the PDF reading.

We can do this! We can be a part of slowing down this crazy world and empower ourselves, our families and our communities with Kinder and Gentler Lives

Thanks for listening and doing your part! We’re all in this together. We all matter!

XO Lyn