Stories and information from Lyn Nanni, Dream Girl Writer.

Dear One,

On September 9, 2024, the 9/9 numerological portal opened. Therefore, the energy of THE NUMBER NINE is heightened at this time. In numerology, it is considered a powerful number that represents completion of one cycle and the start of another.

In Hinduism, NUMBER NINE is considered a divine and perfect ending.

In addition to the end of a cycle, NUMBER NINE represents the attainment of spiritual wisdom, humanitarianism and compassion. It is an inspiration for us to serve others, become more altruistic and make a positive impact on the world.

In the spirit of this, I made a short video for you called A Kinder and Gentler Life. In this video I offer you an invitation to view life through a more refined lens, if you will, and to start making small changes that simplify your life and bring you more awareness of joy.

I combine a poetic perspective on our sensibilities called the NINE SENSES OF JOY with ways to use them through the FOUR QUADRANTS OF LIFE as below:

  1. Relationships
  2. Mother Nature
  3. Creativity
  4. Rituals

Please take the time to listen to the video and if you can, follow up with the PDF reading.

We can do this! We can be a part of slowing down this crazy world and empower ourselves, our families and our communities with Kinder and Gentler Lives

Thanks for listening and doing your part! We’re all in this together. We all matter!

XO Lyn

Hi Love,

Do you find it a struggle to rest in our 24-7, grind culture of pushing through? You might be thinking, “Life is Full. Who has time to rest?”

If you’re longing for a more peaceful world and want to create a more restful life, then you’re warmly invited to. . .The Rest Revolution!

This is a free online summit, starting September 22. I’m excited to be a featured presenter and rest revolutionary! My talk is entitled, Rest Your Mind: Do Your Best Work Asleep! Learn more and join our revolution here.

Become a rest revolutionary with me: turn around your relationship with rest and create a life of meaning. Throughout this restful, inspiring event, you’ll hear from 11 seasoned speakers of varying backgrounds who will show you how to create and sustain rest in your life in many ways!

Attend our LIVE opening circle, where you’ll begin the journey at a restful pace. You’ll get to meet the speakers (my fellow revolutionaries) and connect in community. Rest Revolution talks are pre-recorded and become available over the course of several days with lots of space for you to integrate and digest the information.

Have you ever wanted to understand your dreams better?
Do you wonder … what do they mean?!

I will help you unlock the secrets to your dreams! And you have a unique opportunity to learn with me online next week for free…

I am pleased to announce I was invited to be a guest teacher in Cindi Buenzli Gertz’s community. We met in a women’s circle for spiritually-minded businesswomen and instantly connected.

Cindi is known as “Your MidLife MidWife” and she is co-author of Awakening the Divine Feminine: 18 Stories of Healing, Inspiration, & Empowerment as well as the bestselling LOVE NOTES from the Soul: Stories of Transformation & Hope.

Dream Guide Lyn Nanni

Save the Date and join me for:
Summer Dreaming: Awakening the Wisdom of Dreams

Join us on Zoom next Tuesday, July 23
at 8am HST / 11am PDT / 1pm CDT / 2pm EDT / 4pm BST

In my 90-minute complimentary class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Set up your Dream Space to invoke The Sacred
  • Enhance Dream Recall with Nurturing Self-Care Practices and Awakening Rituals
  • Understand your Unique Dream Language, Landscape, Symbols and Archetypes

You’ll walk away from this class dancing with your angels and receiving insightful gifts from your dream world.

I’m so excited to help you tap into understanding your dreams.

Here’s that link again: Join us in the Zoom room on Tuesday, July 23.

Although attending live will provide the ultimate experience, a replay will be available for a limited time for those who can’t make it.

If you have any questions or concerns, I’d love to hear them. I’m always happy to help!

See you there!


P.S. Here’s a little more about my journey with dreams to inspire you…

I have kept a detailed journal of my dreams for over 12 years. This has afforded me a rich asset to waking life. I have learned that the poignant treasures offered by our souls in sleep can heal us, inspire us creatively and give us insight for present and future direction.

With my courses and consultation, I enjoy sharing an easeful and holistic approach to Dream Wisdom. I offer simple rituals for self-care and deeper communion with Mother Nature that promote dream recall. I have found that improved dream awareness can heal all our relationships as well as clarify our true purpose in life.

I am excited to empower you in this free class and provide the “way in” to access The Sacred Power Of Dreams that can transform your life!

I hope you’ll join us in the Zoom room this coming Tuesday, July 23 for my class, Summer Dreaming: Awakening the Wisdom of Dreams!

Hello Love,

It’s so wonderful when we can see the results of our inner transformations come to life!

In this short video I recount the events of a sweet morning. I spent time doing some inner shadow work, came away feeling charged and refreshed and then immediately got an opportunity to see a practical application of “Social Grace” with a neighbour.

I love it when I experience examples of courtesy and understanding in this world of ours where true gentility and human kindness often are missing or disregarded as unimportant.

Have a listen. Then see how you can share more grace in your social sphere of influence.

Let’s Start A Movement! It Could Get Contagious…


Hello Love,

In my video today I share a story with you about a visit with my neighbour, who has a dear heart as well as a trapped mind! She refuses to see what happens in any way except that which fits a preconceived paradigm of right and wrong, good and bad, beautiful or ugly.

We all know these people. Sometimes we are one of them (hopefully we get over it quickly)! They are in our families, our group of friends, our professional lives and the world at large.

Often they break our hearts, especially if we have tried for a long time to help them see things differently or to break out of their patterns and problems. It can weigh heavily on us if they refuse to change, grow or embrace the myriad of possibilities and creative solutions waiting right there under their noses.

But take heart! These folks offer us a gift! They remind us we can STAY IN LOVE! They may be able to push the buttons that begin to activate our own fears. But we can refuse to go down that wormhole with them and instead hold a space for us all, above ground in full sunlight…

Be a part of the WORLD MINORITY DEVOTED TO LOVE AND PEACE. In ordinary ways, in everyday life, for strangers as well as close family. Keep offering your help when you can and gracefully accept when it is refused. But never stop BEING THE ONE IN LOVE!

I hope you get a chuckle out of today’s little love story…

Hello Love,

I have been reminded lately in my life how important it is to stay aligned with our own best interests first in order to stay on track to serve the divine of us all.

We must put ourselves first as individuals. We must focus a spiritual laser beam of awareness on everything we think, say and do before we can truly love others, serve our community or accomplish our highest purpose in life.

Are we doing something just because it pays the bills? Are we being honest with ourselves about the people with whom we do business or call our friends? Do we spend hours agonising over relationship issues instead of Doing The Inner Work required to reset our default to truth so that we may lovingly detach from emotional drama?

If so, then we may be leaking power. We may be allowing others to encroach on our individual sovereignty because we never set our boundaries. We may be missing opportunities for sacred breakthroughs that give us Full Lucidity To See Our Own Path.

Awareness of how best to serve the highest good of us all is a responsibility incumbent on the individual. We must carefully consider where our inner life meets the outer world, where the best place for us is within the whole and how we can share our gifts fully with the world.

When we present the clearest distillation of our most authentic self to the world, it is worth a fortune to all. When we master our own unique genius, clear away shadows blocking our brilliance and walk our divine individual path, magic and miracles happen for everyone.

Please watch my video for simple and practical tips on this.

And remember…


Hello Love,

Happy Almost Springtime! On my walk today I took off my jacket and went the way home in my short sleeves for the first time this year! It was so lovely. I also had the good fortune of being able to stop and listen to a very lively and inspiring Mockingbird for a few minutes.

It filled my own heart with song…

…As it fills me with joy to be alive and able to share my dream gifts with you! I am very excited to announce I am in the process of creating a 1:1 Course Offering called, Be Your Own Dream Expert!

The course, crafted to take place over about 6 months’ time, will consist of Six Modules, containing Video Guides, Audio Contemplations and PDF Worksheets. You will also have one 45-minute Zoom Call per month (6 total) to go over your dreams in depth with me.

I will keep you posted about this – expected delivery is late March or early April!

In the “kind time” please enjoy the attached video, Dream of the Week! And remember,

Is only one letter
Transposed from

Enjoy this audio gift to inspire you to dream big and expand past any patterns of lack and limitation. In this audio, I discuss the limiting belief of the “pie theory of love”

Hello Beautiful People,

In the Western World, Love’s the Word today!

But let’s face it. For many of us, Valentine’s Day can be a bitter pill, a reminder that we’re still alone, wondering when our True Love will show up and take away our sadness.

I made you an audio gift today to share my sentiments… to suggest that with a slight shift in mental perspective we might be able to stretch our hearts open to more lasting love… Please give it a listen when you have a moment to muse on this possibility.

On a more practical “love” note, I want to introduce you to a wonderful woman I know, Penelope Jane Smith. She is an awesome human being who shares her love by educating us how to take care of ourselves financially!

She offers us a really powerful, bite-sized and Free eBook, “The Financial Freedom Formula” that you can download by clicking the link below.

You’ll discover what it takes for you to become financially free so you don’t have to depend on your business, a job, the government, a partner, or anyone else for money.

Penelope is one of the kindest and most generous people I know. With her teachings, she offers us a key to True Prosperity (which always includes love as well as money :-).

I highly recommend this as your quick read this week!

Here’s to True Love and True Prosperity!

Kindest Regards,

P.S. Please enjoy my audio note for you today below: