Lyn Nanni is an experienced dream interpreter and dream guide who can help you enhance dream recall and teach you dream secrets to guide your waking life while learning from your dream messages.
Have a look at this video from the 2024 Rest Revolution Summit, sponsored by HeartSong and Conscious Living Arts. In this presentation, Lyn shares tips on enhancing dream recall through simple practices in waking life. She also offers some Dream Secrets and ways to promote more restful sleep. Enjoy! Girl Publishing Girl Publishing2024-10-04 22:19:332024-10-04 22:52:41Sacred Rest: Do Your Best Work Asleep
I am here to convey that the messages of your dreams can help you heal your relationships and past trauma, give more clarity to your deepest desires, and increase purpose and productivity in your job and business.
What I offer today is intended to help you start creating a restful, natural and sustainable way to access The Sacred Power of Your Dreams!
It’s true! We came from love, we are returning to love and staying in love makes everything in life better. I am here to embody this message for you. I have staked my entire life on it!
I know you have heard this message from countless other sources until you may feel it is hackneyed, overdone and possibly even used to trick you into buying something.
I get it. I have shared your skepticism and doubt about the motives of those who use this type of message to lure us into a fantasy world full of false promises. So, press the delete button if that’s how you feel about this email. And go about your day in the way you see fit.
Or you could watch what I was inspired to make simply to Foster More Love in This World. I am devoted to the future of love on this planet. I have been around long enough to have been entrapped by slick charlatans who stole my love and used it against me (the poor dears). I know what true love is because I have also experienced the polar opposite.
This video is 11 minutes and 39 seconds. If you have that amount of time to CONSIDER THAT TRUE LOVE EXISTS then please watch and enjoy.
I love you all! We are all in this together!
xo L Girl Publishing Girl Publishing2024-05-08 19:59:512024-05-08 19:59:51All You Need is Love!