Tag Archive for: women who dream

hello loves this is Lyn of Dream Girl Publishing and I’m here to bring you Dream Secret #2: dreams wake us up! Well hello, that’s pretty obvious Lyn.. on the other hand it has a double entendre, dreams wake us up to the truth of ourselves. They are the interface between our human selves and our spiritual selves, the Divine God, whatever it is you like to think of it.  They bring us these messages so that we can become better versions of our human selves. Because of course as we all I think like to think our highest ideal has a spiritual component to it, you know, if we serve our highest self or our higher power then we’re the best version of ourselves that we can be in human form. Well our dreams do just that and they are conveying these messages sometimes in a nightmare or scary form as well as in just “whoa that was an epic dream” and I think I’ll remember that one forever! So pay attention to it and bring it into your life, sit with it, muse upon it. Decide what it is that core message is that you’re getting.

I am wearing this hat today because I am a grandma who is called tutu and the reason I treasure my role as grandmothers or tutu so much is because I get to leave a legacy if I choose. I get to leave a legacy of Truth rather than just a version of who I am in the family party line or who I am according to Conventional wisdom. If I want to and if I do my part to be who I am then I leave a legacy of Truth for those who move forward, especially my family and my grandchildren. That is what dreams do for me and possibly some of you too! If you’d like to know more about this and work with me on this, please contact me.

The message I want to give you today is: to trust yourself – be the best version of yourself you can be and write your Your Own Story and have a wonderful holiday!

I’m Lyn Nanni of Dream Girl Publishing. Thank you for listening.

Dear Ones, Who’s afraid of the Big Bad NIGHTMARE? Well, I used to be. And I suspect there are a lot of you out there who might also be! Even if you are the brave warrior type when it comes to facing down fear, you may still resist exploring the meaning of a nightmare or recurring bad dreams. You tell yourself you want to “stay positive” or you distract yourself with indifference to its importance, saying it’s childish and unnecessary to think about. Plus you’re just too darn busy once you wake up!!! I can offer an alternative. There is a way to pluck that scary monster out of the dark and then clear away background static from your mind that occurs when this DREAM SHADOW somehow keeps “showing up” in waking life uninvited.