Dream Life Circle

Share your Dreams in a Supportive and Safe Community

In this circle, we provide participants with a forum to explore and share their dream work with each other. The dream process is unique to the individual so this circle offers a way to gain additional insights from our sister/brother dreamers. Within a sacred container and with respectful consideration, we will trade our “dream secrets” and “insider information” as well as be able to ask questions of the group to increase our own “dream awakenings”.

There will be a maximum of 10 Dreamers (plus the Facilitator) in each circle and our time will be structured so everyone has an opportunity to participate in each session. We take your comfort and privacy to heart so to ensure all participants feel the group is a safe venue for expression, please review courtesy guidelines below before asking to join.

hawk in flight

Rotating Topics

  • What does it mean to be fluent in your Dream Language?
  • What does your Dream Landscape look like and how do you navigate it?
  • Share your Dream Symbology, Archetypes and Cosmic Inferences.
  • Share how you discover potent messages in recurring dreams or themes.
  • How do you regard nightmares or “scary” dreams?
  • How do your inner revelations reflect situations in your outer life?
  • Share rituals and practices that you use to recall and “unwrap” your dreams.
  • Are you able to ask for and receive answers from your dreams?
  • Circle Members are welcome to suggest additional topics.

Courtesy Guidelines

  1. This is an open forum between individuals who value the messages of their dreams.
  2. All individuals are shown utmost respect for the sacred nature of their dream work.
  3. We inspire and support each other by sharing how dreams transform and heal us.
  4. Dream stories are shared for the purpose of learning and giving/gaining insight.
  5. This forum will never be used as self-promotion and confidentiality is honoured.
  6. Explicit and potentially offensive subject matter is inappropriate in this format.
  7. An entry interview is required to ensure the fit is right. All ages & genders welcome.

Subscription $20 per month
May be discontinued at will.

Dream Expert and Wise Dreamer course participants have the option of joining a Dream Life Circle for free (without the $20/month fee) for up to one year from course registration date.