Dream Secret 10: New Dream Theatre
Hello Love,
May I present to you Dream Secret #10 ~ New Dream Theatre.
It has happened before where my dreams of present time have prompted me to review dreams from the past that provided the same message but in a different context. After this week, I feel like I have a new appreciation of these dream show revisions!
I was called to review seven dreams of seven months ago linked to one dream I had this week. I realised they had been sort of dream trailers marketing a future show, if you will. I call this revelation my New Dream Theatre because even after 13 years of intensely focusing on my dreams and bringing forth their healing wisdom, I have made a significant UPGRADE IN AWARENESS. I have cleared more SPACE FOR GRACE.
Even though we think we know a lot about something or feel we may be an expert of sorts, we can always learn more. Inner wisdom gives more when we are open to receiving more!
I want to drag this Dream Secret out of our dark closets and make it as public as possible! I want to shout it from the rooftops! Our Collective Divine Source Is Always There Waiting For Us. There is unlimited wisdom, infinite healing, boundless joy and never-ending upgrades Once We Find Our Way In. Use any or all of the following practices to Open Your Door! Make up new ones. Be consistent in your devotion! Create, Create, Create!
Open The Door…
- Commune with Mother Earth, all of her glorious nature and all her creatures.
- Watch for the signs that come through everything. Listen, listen, listen.
- Maintain a space in your home where play is your main game.
- Sing, dance, write songs and make music just for the fun of it!
- Regard your parenting or grandparenting roles as sacred art forms.
- Practice Shamanism or study with an Indigenous Wisdom Keeper.
- Keep a journal, write poetry or revive the practice of letter writing in your life.
- Meditate, Contemplate, Muse, Pause, Daydream and BREATHE!
- Be your most exquisite and authentic self, freely and in love!
- Do nothing and rest afterwards.
- Be open to learning and receiving regardless of how much you think you know.
- Take all of this precious life into your heart.
- Reserve a space for grace.
And my personal favourites:
- Be A Wise Dreamer or Become Your Own Dream Expert (who continually receives upgrades to her expertise). I can help you with this! Contact me.
Enjoy the video…
P.S. Check out my other Dream Secrets on Youtube and at my website.