Hello Love,
May I present to you Dream Secret #10 ~ New Dream Theatre.

It has happened before where my dreams of present time have prompted me to review dreams from the past that provided the same message but in a different context. After this week, I feel like I have a new appreciation of these dream show revisions!

I was called to review seven dreams of seven months ago linked to one dream I had this week. I realised they had been sort of dream trailers marketing a future show, if you will. I call this revelation my New Dream Theatre because even after 13 years of intensely focusing on my dreams and bringing forth their healing wisdom, I have made a significant UPGRADE IN AWARENESS. I have cleared more SPACE FOR GRACE.

Even though we think we know a lot about something or feel we may be an expert of sorts, we can always learn more. Inner wisdom gives more when we are open to receiving more!

I want to drag this Dream Secret out of our dark closets and make it as public as possible! I want to shout it from the rooftops! Our Collective Divine Source Is Always There Waiting For Us. There is unlimited wisdom, infinite healing, boundless joy and never-ending upgrades Once We Find Our Way In. Use any or all of the following practices to Open Your Door! Make up new ones. Be consistent in your devotion! Create, Create, Create!

Open The Door…

  • Commune with Mother Earth, all of her glorious nature and all her creatures.
  • Watch for the signs that come through everything. Listen, listen, listen.
  • Maintain a space in your home where play is your main game.
  • Sing, dance, write songs and make music just for the fun of it!
  • Regard your parenting or grandparenting roles as sacred art forms.
  • Practice Shamanism or study with an Indigenous Wisdom Keeper.
  • Keep a journal, write poetry or revive the practice of letter writing in your life.
  • Meditate, Contemplate, Muse, Pause, Daydream and BREATHE!
  • Be your most exquisite and authentic self, freely and in love!
  • Do nothing and rest afterwards.
  • Be open to learning and receiving regardless of how much you think you know.
  • Take all of this precious life into your heart.
  • Reserve a space for grace.

And my personal favourites:

Enjoy the video…

P.S. Check out my other Dream Secrets on Youtube and at my website.

Hello Love,

I came to this AHA after this morning’s dream…

It All Begins And Ends With Me!

I entitled today’s dream, Medicine Woman. And then in unwrapping the message, I discovered the character I called Medicine Woman was ME HEALING ME.

I have seen this come up in dreams before, where one or more of the characters represents an aspect of me, like a younger me or me in a different time of life. After my dream of this morning I feel like if I go back over my dream journals I will be able to identify a mirror image in many more of my dream characters than I previously thought.

So, please have a listen to this short video and see if it resonates with you or offers value in unpacking your dreams…

And thank you for being interested in your dream wisdom! There is an enormous source of LOVE AND TRUTH IN DREAMS simply awaiting our awareness… just waiting for us…

Hello Love,

Happy May Day!

Take the opportunity on this highly celebrated day to open up to the many blessings of Mother Earth, through the richness of Hawaiian Culture expressed in song and dance or the Celtic Fires of Beltane or some other early summer ritual symbolising fertility and new life!

And while you are opening up to Summer Dreams and Nature’s Glory, consider Dream Secret #8   that messages of Love and Truth from your dreams are available to you at all times. They have been waiting for you since the moment of your birth!

Your inner wisdom is like A GLORY TRAIN. All you have to do is get yourself to the nearest station and get on board! It is as dependable as Mother Earth bringing you her bounty each year with the renewal of her gifts – You Can Count On It!

Speaking of counting… my Dream Courses are still under loving creation. I am in the process of adding new content from lovely epiphanies and recent awareness “coming on board”, which has moved the date of completion out a bit. I see this “change in plans” as a way to embrace Divine Timing and trust that everything is unfolding as it was meant to be.

Feel free to chat with me if you have any questions. Find our more – click here.

Hello Love,

We can never have too many reminders to LET GO OF FEAR!

After over a decade of chronicling more than 1300 dreams, I still have to be reminded that every time I awake with a bad feeling about a dream I CAN BE SURE THERE IS A PRECIOUS GIFT TO BE HAD!

I simply have to move past negative images (perspectives) to develop the entire picture. Just like an old school photographer had to go into the darkroom, develop the negatives, hang them up to dry and wait until they were fully processed to see the final artistic product.

Our greatest fears “live” right up next to our greatest loves. They are a part of us. They belong to us. We must take responsibility for them. In dreams our spirit calls us to release fears, anxiety, grief and sadness. Only then can we see the love that was being overshadowed by these feelings (due to their close proximity). Once those shadows are cleared we can step forward, balanced in love and with our lives completely in focus. Just like that finished photo!

So what has that got to do with eggs in a basket, you may ask? Well, funny enough, after unpacking the message of my dream this morning, I stepped up to the window to take a break. I was musing over how I went from feeling bad about the message into feeling validated by it. I reminded myself I could keep putting ALL MY EGGS INTO MY BASKET OF LOVE, meaning I could count on my dream messages always bringing me the truth.

A BUNNY HOPPED BY. I swear! It’s true! Talk about instant messaging…
Mother Earth in her divine wisdom gave me a very cosmically comic sign. That I can count on her messages of love and truth through my dreams. And all I need is ONE SACRED BASKET.

And if you would like to BE YOUR OWN DREAM EXPERT,
Check out my upcoming courses.

Hello Love,

I have to admit, this description is more like an essay! Yet I am called to send it because of its import to me. If watching a video is more your style than reading, just click on the link below.

I had 3 dreams during the course of last night and this morning. One connected me with a loved one who has passed from this life. Then I flew through a twilight world after being with him, feeling frightened about venturing too far and being unable to find my way home.

In another dream I was raging angrily at two family members who are still alive in this life, like I have never done before in waking life. I read them the riot act and said I was done putting up with their behaviour. It felt like I was trying to clear a conflict that has been covertly played out between us for decades. But in the dream nothing was ever resolved.

The final dream I called “Dress Up”. There is a younger me modelling outfits with a friend in front of a mirror. I have a huge head of unruly honey-coloured hair that has to be controlled under a chic hat. We do this privately in a hotel suite like little girls playing in secret. When we want to venture outside, we realise our attire and footwear are entirely inappropriate.

When I awoke in daylight I was overwhelmed by the emotional impact of the night’s cinematic marathon. And in addition to that, I was very afraid. The only thing I could do was draw the covers over my eyes and pray for help.

Cosmically enough, I had gone to sleep affirming for myself that I never have to be afraid because I am surrounded by Divine Love! As soon as I felt this grip of fear upon awakening, I literally breathed those words back into my body, saying them out loud with each deep intake and exhalation. Immediately I got two perfect images from waking life movies where the characters broke through extreme fear because they opened up to an Angelic Realm.

I have had many dream revelations before but this was A New Type Of Breakthrough. My body flushed with chills as these scenes flashed through my mind. I have carried the images from those movies for decades because they conveyed a simple truth about love to me.

This morning I felt like a character in my own movie, called The Saving Grace Of Dream Angels. My Dream Angels responded instantaneously with the perfect remembrance to return me to love! So I want to pass on this “secret” and remind you that we all share this very same Divine Dream Team. And to please remember…

You are loved.
You are never alone.
And every fear offers us a precious gift!

Hello Love,

Spring has sprung! Where I live, the bees and butterflies are back, the sun is glorious in its healing energy of abundance and I feel the world around me is opening up to new life!

I discovered Dream Secret #5 on the day after the Spring Equinox in North America and the day of the Autumn Equinox in the Southern hemisphere, in the spirit of equanimity!

My Golden Thread wound around a dream, came to rest in my body and cleared a feeling of anxiety I had from the day before. Sound magical? Yes indeed, as it is in the way of dreams!

I believe the seed of this secret was planted long before it took root in me, when I read about golden threads (over a year ago) in Stephen Harrod Buhner’s book, Plant Intelligence and The Imaginal Realm ~ Into The Dreaming of Earth. Here’s a quote from that book:

“To the alert person, a golden thread may emerge from any ordinary thing and open a doorway into the metaphysical background of the world… Light pours through a window in a particular way, a person moves their body slightly, you enter a summer field and suddenly experience it as a property of mind… A particular feeling envelops you and you stop and focus your whole attention on what is right in front of you.”

Buhner also mentions the Jungian psychologist James Hillman, who used the word NOTITIA to describe “the attentive noticing of the soul”. Hillman said this comes from “the capacity to form true notions of things”. And Buhner goes on to say, “The connections that touch us in this way are special. They are the ones meant for us for reasons only the Earth will ever know.”

Wow! All I can add to that is, “Follow your Golden Threads” – straight into the miraculous!

Hello Love,

I entitled this blog with an epitaph that usually graces a tombstone! That’s because I wanted to note a paradoxical misperception many people often have about the dream process. And also to remind us that with every symbolic or real “death” comes a “rebirth”.  All of our lives contain many deaths and rebirths, metaphorically speaking, as we unlock our true selves.

This play on words also describes how you will actually unlock more secrets about your waking life than you “unpack” from dream messages by using a more holistic, connective approach. This way empowers you to Be At Peace With The Ease (to rest in peace) when you know all of life’s messages are readily available to us whether waking or sleeping.

A seamless attunement can be established between Inner Wisdom And Outer Life that manifests physical, mental and emotional well-being as well as true love and real prosperity.

Listen to the attached video for more info.

And watch for my dream course coming soon…

Coming late March or early April 2024!

P.S. While I was writing this, a snake came to rest outside my home, in the exact spot where I greeted the dawn this morning! Just for reference on this, I have included an excerpt from The Dream Arc, a program associated with The Gene Keys, by Richard Rudd. This is an example to me of Mother Nature’s Serendipitous Ways! I am so glad I could share it with you today. And it just so happens we are in the waxing Hawk Moon right now. Perfect timing!

Snake Guardian ~ From The Dream Arc ~ by Richard Rudd

I am Snake. I am a universal guardian, not just of this Earth, Gaia, but of this entire universe. I was there at the beginning. I was a key player. I therefore hold the keys to the greater vision of all humans. My task has been to hold the Shadow side of your nature. It is a thankless task, as is all secret transformation. If I have come to you now, then you too are being asked to become a guardian of sorts. Whatever suffering you have passed through, it has made you stronger and wiser. One day all this wisdom and light will be revealed in you so that other, younger souls may partake of it. This is what it means to be a planetary guardian. As such, I am also guardian of the waxing moon, when all earth energies are rising upwards. Use my energy in conjunction with these lunar cycles, for this is the period of my greatest power.

hello loves this is Lyn of Dream Girl Publishing and I’m here to bring you Dream Secret #2: dreams wake us up! Well hello, that’s pretty obvious Lyn.. on the other hand it has a double entendre, dreams wake us up to the truth of ourselves. They are the interface between our human selves and our spiritual selves, the Divine God, whatever it is you like to think of it.  They bring us these messages so that we can become better versions of our human selves. Because of course as we all I think like to think our highest ideal has a spiritual component to it, you know, if we serve our highest self or our higher power then we’re the best version of ourselves that we can be in human form. Well our dreams do just that and they are conveying these messages sometimes in a nightmare or scary form as well as in just “whoa that was an epic dream” and I think I’ll remember that one forever! So pay attention to it and bring it into your life, sit with it, muse upon it. Decide what it is that core message is that you’re getting.

I am wearing this hat today because I am a grandma who is called tutu and the reason I treasure my role as grandmothers or tutu so much is because I get to leave a legacy if I choose. I get to leave a legacy of Truth rather than just a version of who I am in the family party line or who I am according to Conventional wisdom. If I want to and if I do my part to be who I am then I leave a legacy of Truth for those who move forward, especially my family and my grandchildren. That is what dreams do for me and possibly some of you too! If you’d like to know more about this and work with me on this, please contact me.

The message I want to give you today is: to trust yourself – be the best version of yourself you can be and write your Your Own Story and have a wonderful holiday!

I’m Lyn Nanni of Dream Girl Publishing. Thank you for listening.

Dear Ones, Who’s afraid of the Big Bad NIGHTMARE? Well, I used to be. And I suspect there are a lot of you out there who might also be! Even if you are the brave warrior type when it comes to facing down fear, you may still resist exploring the meaning of a nightmare or recurring bad dreams. You tell yourself you want to “stay positive” or you distract yourself with indifference to its importance, saying it’s childish and unnecessary to think about. Plus you’re just too darn busy once you wake up!!! I can offer an alternative. There is a way to pluck that scary monster out of the dark and then clear away background static from your mind that occurs when this DREAM SHADOW somehow keeps “showing up” in waking life uninvited.